The Zonta Club of Denver II is proud to support and partner with the following organizations. They provide services that have a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families who are in need. Their employees and volunteers are dedicated to help people enrich their family environment, further their education, and improve their overall quality of life. As a result, the entire community benefits socially and economically. We provide grants, scholarships, in-kind donations and many hours of volunteer work to these organizations.

Contact us to see how you can help!

Teacher Grants

Zonta Club of Denver II funds one or more grants to teachers in grades K-8 in the Denver Metropolitan Area (including teachers in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties. In 2018, the club decided to expand the grant availability to teachers in grades K-12. The grant is intended to help defray the cost of materials needed for teachers’ classes or to provide experiences to promote reading. Past recipients have used the funds to provide listening stations in their classroom and to purchase leveled texts, non-fiction books, and plays for their students.

Center for Work Education and Employment (“CWEE”)

Center for Work Education and Employment fosters personal and professional transformation for low-income, single parent families through confidence building, customized skills training, and career advancement. CWEE provides:

  • Career Readiness Program offers comprehensive case management, life skills and technical training, plus career readiness and retention support.
  • Education: an advanced skill set required prior to obtaining work or guidance to obtain a post-secondary education. Outcomes include learning advanced computer skills, earning High School Equivalency, or enrolling in post-secondary education.
  • Employment: Participants concentrate on building their network and professional experience through internships, career exploration tours and job fairs while applying for positions which lead to meaningful employment.
  • Career Retention Services: CWEE offers intensive support services during the first year of employment.
  • Boutique: Current professional attire is available for free to participants in an onsite boutique.

Grants from our club for the past few years have supported the Career Readiness Program by offsetting various costs, such as professional clothing, baby and children’s needs, and personal care products. Members volunteered for the 35th Anniversary Gala in 2017. Members have also volunteered to organize and maintain the boutique for a number of years.

Central Visitation Program

Making sure children are safe and happyCentral Visitation Program is a low-fee supervised visitation program that provides a safe and comfortable environment in which children and non-residential parents may visit. The parenting time is supervised by volunteers and allows children the opportunity to develop a meaningful relationship with the non-residential parent that might not otherwise be possible.

Our members volunteer for the annual fundrasing event which includes art from Gallery 1251. For the past couple of years, our club has funded the Caring Communities Fund to assist women who are homeless or who otherwise cannot afford even the lowest end of the sliding scale for visitation services and to pay exchange costs for women who are victims of domestic violence or stalking.


Empowerment Program provides education, employment, health, housing and support services to women who are in disadvantaged positions due to incarceration, poverty, homelessness,
HIV/AIDS infection, or involvement in the criminal justice system.

Services include:

  • A licensed mental health and drug treatment program providing trauma-informed outpatient services for women.
  • Onsite groups include Relapse Prevention, Drug & Alcohol Education, Seeking Safety, Trauma Recovery and Empowerment, IDU support groups, Trauma Narrative, Beyond Violence (Anger Management), Employment Services, Life Skills, Leadership and Peer Specialist training, and support groups.
  • Criminal Justice Services: outreach is provided at community festivals, jails, prisons, community shelters, half-way houses, and other nonprofit organizations.
    Project Bedtime Story provides women and men who are incarcerated at Denver County Jail with an opportunity to record themselves reading to their children, and the books and CD are sent to the children to enjoy over and over the sound of their voice. This project bridges the distance between incarcerated parents and their children, and helps promote literacy throughout the family.
  • HIV/AIDS Services: Comprehensive medical case management and prevention
    services are provided for women living with HIV/AIDS or who are at risk for infection.
  • Employment Services: Empowerment’s employment program offers supportive services for women who are having trouble finding or maintaining a job due to issues such as mental or physical health, substance use, or a criminal history.

In the past, our club has volunteered for the Chrysalis Program and at Mariposa House.
Currently, we are periodically hosting special events, such as bingo, at the Columbine Community Center. We have a holiday party each year for the women at Columbine. A number of years ago, our members redecorated the social room by painting and replacing furniture and furnishings. Grants have been made to support Project Bedtime Story, Odyssey House, and Mariposa House. Every year our members also personally donate gifts to one or more children chosen from the Angel Tree to make their Christmas special.

Florence Crittenton Services

Florence Crittenton Services is a Denver Nonprofit with a mission to educate, prepare, and empower teen mothers and their children to become productive members of the community. It pioneered a nationally recognized trauma-responsive two-generation program model that helps teen families break the cycle of poverty through education, health and wellness, and economic and social asset building.

The campus has a full service family resource center including:

  •  an Early Childhood Center that promotes physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development for children of teen mothers beginning at six weeks old through Pre-K.
  • Aletha E. Morgan, MD health center located on-site and operated by Denver Health that provides teen mothers with high-quality, timely pre-natal and post-partum care, ongoing preventive and curative appointments, comprehensive pediatric care, and health counseling.
  • Florence Crittenton High School, a 34-year partnership with Denver Public Schools, provides teen mothers an opportunity to complete their high school education.
  • Student and Family Support Program offers on-site family-based case management, support groups for teen mothers, after-school and summer enrichment activities, art therapy, parenting education, health services, and career readiness workshop.

Our club supports Florence Crittenton Services with both volunteers and grants to fund various programs. We have been hostesses for the graduation reception for many years. We have renovated the Baby Bucks Store and kept it supplied. We participate in the Miles for Moms Walk/Run. We have donated new school supplies and used clothing, furniture, and household items. Funds are made available each year to help the teen mothers have a wonderful holiday with their children.

Sue Burch Memorial Scholarship

Our club also funds scholarships each year to graduates of Florence Crittenton High School who have completed at least two semesters of college, university or technical school to assist them in furthering their education and training.

The Learning Source

For Adults and FamiliesThe Learning Source is a Colorado nonprofit organization that promotes and provides educational opportunities through collaborative partnerships for adults and families to support their future achievements.

The Learning Source has numerous programs, including:

  • Family Literacy: Through educational instruction in reading, writing and speaking English, parents are empowered to assist their children in their education and pursue their own educational goals. The program is free to parents of children attending one of the public schools where Family Literacy classes are offered.
  • High School Equivalency (GED): Prepares adult learners to pass tests in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science to achieve their High School Equivalency Diploma.
  • English Language Acquisition (ELA): Teaches three levels of English proficiency with focus on reading, understanding, and speaking English fluently.
  • The Learning Collaborative: Supports learners in foundational skill development in English and Math in partnership with Red Rocks Community College and assists students with college readiness skills for college entry and success.
  • Healthcare Workforce Bridge: A 10-week program in partnership with the Community College of Aurora and the Community-Campus Partnership of the Anschutz Medical Campus that teaches basic education skills and job readiness in the healthcare industry, specifically sterile processing and patient navigation.
  • Career Pathways: Assists adults to achieve self-sufficiency through educational training in a specific field that enhances their opportunities for achievement and create a skilled workforce in Colorado.

Zonta Club of Denver II has made grants to The Learning Source for many years; most recently we have been funding the purchase of learning tools for pre-school aged children in the Family Literacy program to enhance cognitive development and prepare children for transition to the elementary school setting. Our club hosts the reception at graduation exercises annually and provides volunteers for the annual Book Bash, the major fundraising event.

SafeHouse Denver, Inc.

SafeHouse Denver serves survivors of domestic violence and their children through an emergency shelter, a non-residential Counseling and Advocacy Center, and an Extended Stay Program.

All of the adults, children, and youth who come to SafeHouse Denver have access to a full range of bilingual programming, including:

  • 24-hour crisis and information line
  • Secure emergency housing
  • Individual counseling and advocacy
  • Support group sessions
  • Safety planning
  • Referrals to community resources
  • Short-term extended stay housing
  • Teen dating violence prevention services
  • Children and youth services
  • Community education and outreach

Our club has supported SafeHouse Denver for over thirty-two years since the club was chartered in 1986. During that time, our members have volunteered for fundraising events such as the
annual gala, helped with bulk mailings, adopted a room at the shelter to paint and fix up, and many others. For the past several years, our grant has supported the financial empowerment program that provides financial education and resources, including how to develop a budget and setting goals. For many years, our members have been donating items for the Welcome Bags given to the women and children who arrive at SafeHouse with few or none of the necessities.

Each year at the holidays, Zonta Club of Denver II “Adopts a Family” by purchasing gifts for each member of the family.

Women’s Homelessness Initiative (“WHI”)

Women’s Homelessness Initiative offers shelter and hospitality every night for women who are homeless. WHI is a consortium of churches working through the Capitol Hill United Ministries to give sanctuary every night to women who would otherwise be on our streets.

Our members prepare and serve dinner at one of the churches every other month to women who are homeless. Funds are reserved to do something special for the women–giving gifts of items that a woman who is homeless needs or are luxuries she cannot afford to buy.


“The Zonta Club of Denver II has been an amazing partner with our mission of educating and empowering teen parents. Support has included student scholarships, hosting of graduation ceremonies, and conversion of a drab warehouse into a warm, welcoming store offering baby clothes and supplies. Z II women are the 8th wonder of the world.”

- Suzanne Banning, VP of Development and Marketing, Florence Crittenton Services

“Zonta II members’ transformation of our Community Room is absolutely the best thing that has happened at our residence for formerly homeless women. Our residents had been unaware that there are kind, generous women - like those in Zonta II – who want to help them improve their lives and ease their daily challenges.”

- Carol Lease, Executive Director, The Empowerment Program

“It takes an army of people to put together a fundraiser. I am always happy when everyone meets the challenge and the pieces of the puzzle come together in the end. This year, the puzzle was complete and the Zonta Club of Denver II piece was huge.”

- Sandy Hembd, Co-Founder, Glory Community

“CWEE is honored to partner with the Zonta Club of Denver II, which has supported our program grants for many years. Z II members have also donated countless hours and funding to totally renovate our on-site clothing boutique that provides our clients with free, donated business casual and business professional clothing and accessories.”

-Laurie Harvey, Executive Director, Center for Work Education and Employment

“Since 1993, the Zonta Club of Denver II has been a significant supporter and advocate for SafeHouse Denver by providing grant funding, silent auction items for our annual fundraising gala, yearly support of our holiday In the Spirit program, and countless hours of volunteer service for our events and fundraising activities.”

- Ashley Golder, Development and Communications Manager, SafeHouse Denver

Zonta District 12 logo

Zonta Club of Denver II is in Zonta International District 12.

Thank you for standing
with women and girls

Zonta Club of Denver II has 501(c)(3) status.

Square site for donations and fundraisers