November 2013 Newsletter


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Tis The Season!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thank you from The Finance Committee for all your efforts to make the annual Holiday fundraiser a huge success.
Just a reminder that all orders will need to be picked up from our warehouse location on Thursday, December 5, 2013. Information about the location and hours will be coming soon.

VOLUNTEERS! If you can help out at the warehouse location, please let Carol Leffler, Pat Congleton, Ellen Fitzpatrick, or Jeannie Snider know. We could use help on the following days:

  • Wednesday, December 4th (8 am – about 2 pm): Help is needing organizing all the products and plants for member pick up the next day.
  • Thursday, December 5th (7 am – 2 pm): Helping members pick up orders and/or helping with deliveries.

Again, thank you for all your efforts!




Excelsior – October and November 2013

On October 3, Lois, Jan, Marianela, and Suzanne gave the teenage girls at Excelsior the opportunity to experience the 60’s by making tie-dye t-shirts. Lois brought kits and showed the girls how to tie-dye. The girls created some colorful and psychedelic tie-dye t-shirts that looked like genuine 60’s fashion. Marianela took photos to include in our club’s application for the district service award. We meet with the girls on the first Thursday of every month in the Adopt-a-Cottage program. These girls have a history of problems that require the intensive residential program that is offered at Excelsior. They are always excited to see us and are enthusiastic about our visits. This was Jan’s first visit after completing the application and background check required by state law, and we are delighted to have Jan join us.

Suzanne and Jan returned to Excelsior on November 7, with volunteer Carla Freeman who joins us every month. This time we asked the girls to help us with the Zonta Says No event that will be held on November 25 to raise awareness and funds to end domestic violence. The girls expressed their feelings about domestic violence in an art project which involved decorating various styles of paper shoes that will be displayed at the Zonta Says No event. The girls have had traumatic experiences that include being trafficked, or being victims of teen dating violence, or have witnessed domestic violence against family members or friends. Suzanne obtained educational materials from Project PAVE which is a leader in the prevention of teen dating violence, and then she shared these materials with the staff who reviewed the materials with the girls before our visit. The girls expressed many heartfelt sentiments in their art project, and the messages were a show of their strength.

ZI Club Service Recognition Award

Suzanne is preparing an additional 200 word description of our club’s work with Excelsior and Marianela is assembling a photo collage of the Excelsior activities, including the December one. Our application will be  submitted by the deadline.

ZI District Service Recognition Award

48 Welcome Bags have been assembled. We have purchased 48 drawstring backpacks. We will donate 43 large size polo shirts. Delivery is being worked out for the week of Nov. 18. If you would like to participate, please let Mary know immediately at 303-283-9676 or  Please bring any additional toiletries you have to our meeting on Thursday.

Freedom Service Dogs

Graduation Ceremony – December 14th at 1 pm – 2:30 pm
Volunteers need to arrive at 12:30 pm

There will be 15 client/dogs graduating at the Englewood Civic Center, Hampton Hall, Englewood. Zonta Club of Denver II will provide (3-4) volunteers to cut, serve cake and punch to the guests after the ceremony. The volunteers are Carol Johnson, friend of Carol’s, Jeannie Snider and Deb Ureel. Barbara Anders will order (2) cakes and deliver them to the location by 12:30 pm with cups, plates, forks, napkins, ice and punch mix. The volunteers should bring a serving knife to make sure there are (2) for the cutting of the cakes. Dress is casual.

The Learning Source

The Spelling Bee was October 25 and Team Zonta (Terri, Sharon F, and Ellen) did us proud! Thank you also to Sharon, Ellen, and Mary for volunteering.

Central Visitation

Central Visitation held its fundraiser on November 15. Thank you to Jean, Ellen, Pat C, Carol L, and Beth for volunteering.


Happy Selling from the Membership Committee! We know everyone is busy with our major fund raiser of the year; however, we want you to also be thinking of friends, co-workers, family members, etc. who would make good Zontians and contributors to our Club. Let Jan H. or Carol J. know if you would like to invite someone to an upcoming meeting. Our Committee held a new member/prospective member meeting at Tony’s on Broadway on October 30th. Julia and Marianela attended as well as prospective member JoAnn Mattson. Lots of information was shared and we all felt it was time well spent. We hope to host another new member/prospective member meeting in the first quarter of 2014. Who would you like to invite?

Jan H./Carol J.
Membership Co-Chairs

“Zonta Says No”

Empty Shoes Event

Join the campaign to end violence against women by participating in the Empty Shoes Event on Monday November 25, 2013 at McNichols Civic Center from 5:00-9:00. Empty Shoes represent the women lost or damaged by gender violence. Local Area 3 clubs are sponsoring this event to kick off commemoration of the UN 16 Days of Activism on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Shoes will be embellished and displayed with facts and stories of gender violence.

Thanks so much to Suzanne and Jan for putting together the shoe decoration event at Excelsior. The shoes are amazing and will have their own special display!

Please plan to come and if you committed to tickets, please bring your checks to the meeting on Thursday! You will find of interesting art work at reasonable prices!

Once again, I am so proud of our club! We always come shining through! We received art through Kriss, Ellen, Terri and Sally Anderson; we enlisted two sponsors – Empowerment and SafeHouse; AND we sold tickets! Remember it’s also a birthday party for Lois and Terri – good sports that they are to come to this event to celebrate their birthdays!

If you need more information, please contact Denver II committee liaison, Sharon Faircloth


Holiday Party will be December 13th at 6:00 p.m. Thank you to Jan Hoyt, who has once again cajoled her sister Ann and brother-in-law Dave Stolfa into sharing their home for our party! Their address is 3300 South Columbine Circle (nearest intersection is Hampden and University). It will be $30 per person and please bring your beverage of choice.