May 2016 Newsletter
Service Update
Excelsior’s annual Triumphant Faces Gala was held downtown Denver on April 30. Zonta volunteers Sharon Faircloth, Suzanne Fasing, Ellen Fitzpatrick, Jan Hoyt, and Mary Moser enjoyed the evening in a Speakeasy Soiree setting, selling raffle tickets grossing $5500 for Excelsior, part of the $250,000 raised during the evening for Excelsior.
Flo Crit: The Flo Crit graduation will be on Wednesday, May 25, from 5 to 8 p.m. There will be 350 guests. Deb and Pat have volunteered. Jean will send an email requesting members to volunteer for the event.
Empowerment-Columbine: The next event for the ladies at Columbine at the Lowry Apartments will be Tuesday, May 10, at 6 p.m. Marie has organized a Zentangle project with a woman who will bring all supplies and facilitate. Marie, Jan, Brooke, and Mary Sullivan-Ridge will participate.
SafeHouse-Denver: The Sampling for Hope event will be Thursday, June 2, 2016, from 4 to 10 p.m., at the Westin Denver Downtown. Ginni will email members to sign up.
The Learning Source: Graduation will be Friday, June 10, in the Community Room at Red Rocks Community College. Volunteers are needed to assist in directing students to the Community Room, getting their robes and picture taken, as well as cutting and serving cake. Ginni, Jeannie, Sharon, and Marie signed up, and Carol L, Pat, and Jean are maybes.
Women’s Homelessness Initiative: The next event will be Wednesday, June 15, at Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church. Ginni will send an email with more details and request members to volunteer.
Freedom Service Dogs: Graduation will be Saturday, June 18, at Hampden Hall, in Englewood. A coordinator for the event and 2 or 3 additional volunteers are needed. Brooke, Carol J, Mary Sullivan-Ridge, and Judy volunteered.
Finance Update
Golf Tournament! The Committee is busy getting the registration forms in the mail. The deadline per Red Rocks Country Club for the head count is two weeks before June 20, so be sure and get your teams signed up as soon as possible. If you are not playing, consider volunteering (spouses and friends welcome too). More details on volunteering will be forthcoming, but mark it on your calendars if you haven’t already! Please contact your associates and friends for sponsorship opportunities and donations. Also please consider contacting businesses or other means for raffle items, coupons. We are looking for items with a retail value greater than $100 (no alcohol items, please) for the bucket raffle.
Advocacy Update
Good news from Bill Jaeger of the Colorado Children’s Campaign! HB 16-1227, the bill to streamline access to childcare for teen parents and domestic violence survivors (endorsed by FloCrit Services), passed and is headed to the Governor’s desk for signing.
The Women’s Collaborative of Colorado is sponsoring an event “The Road to Equal Pay in Colorado” on Tuesday, May 24th from 5:30 to 7:30 at St. Anthony Hospital near 6th and Simms in Lakewood. It is a FREE event with lots of parking and an interesting group of panelists including Kim Desmond of the City and County of Denver; Alison Friedman of the Women’s Foundation of Colorado; Linda Meric of Colorado 9 to 5; Nancy Reichman of the Colorado Pay Equity Commission and Representative Faith Winter, District 35. Come to expand your understanding of this important issue and where we need to go to affect change! This is a busy week for the club but I really believe this will be worth your time….
Coming this summer is Women Powering Change on Thursday, July 14 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. at Mile High Station (2027 Old West Colfax Ave). It is also a FREE event with food and a cash bar. This year they will have workshops presented by EMERGING WOMEN. Zonta Area 3 groups are sponsoring a table again this year so please put it on your calendar and plan to attend!
With the conclusion of the 60th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission recognized women’s vital role as agents of development and focused on Sustainable Development Goals. The agreed proposals urge a comprehensive approach to implementing all 17 Sustainable Development Goals through thorough integration of gender perspectives across all government policies and programs. To read more about Agenda 2030, click here.
Membership Update
As always, if you have the names of any prospective members, please send to Carol J. or Jan H together with email addresses. Carol J. and Jan H. will take care of sending invitations and information about membership.
The next general meeting will be held on Thursday, May 26, 2016. Same time, same place – 6 pm at the University Club. RSVPs (only if you will not be coming) are due to Emma Hanson.