February 2014 Newsletter
Greetings from the Finance Committee!
While you may not think anything is going on in the wonderful world of Finance in Zonta, you’d be wrong! The Finance Committee is busy meeting and beginning plans for the next major fundraiser – Zonta Club of Denver II’s annual golf tournament.
Mark your calendars for June 6, 2014 for this year’s golf tournament at Buffalo Run Golf Course. Watch for the mailing list that will be emailed to the membership for any revisions or additions. Soon thereafter, Save the Date cards will be mailed to all potential players and sponsors.
As always, we welcome any suggestions and ideas for making this year’s golf tournament a success, and we always welcome anyone who would like to attend the Finance Committee meetings.
In the spring, we will host another advocacy event for the participants of Bridging the Gap. The staff at Mile High United Way is very excited to partner with us again, especially after the huge success with our Thanksgiving dinner. Watch for more news about this event.
ZI Service Recognition Award
The District Service Chair announced that the District 12 club winners that will be submitted to Zonta International for consideration for the International Award are:
Category 2, projects to fight or prevent violence against women: Billings
Category 1, improving the status of women and girls: Spearfish and Foothills
Many thanks to Suzanne and Marianela for their work to fulfill the requirements of the application and to the committee comprised of Terri, Sharon Faircloth, and Mary.
Thanks to Terri for obtaining a huge donation of stylish clothing from her friend Joyce Werth, who owns Salon Beauvallon in LoDo. Joyce donated four huge boxes of clothing for the girls at Excelsior, with popular labels like Banana Republic. Many of the girls at Excelsior have no families or lack family support, and they are in great need of stylish clothing. Suzanne delivered the boxes of clothing to Excelsior, and the staff was thrilled to receive it.
A large bag of groceries from Lois and additional contributions of food from Jan and Mary were delivered to Empowerment for their food pantry. We would like to keep adding to Empowerment’s pantry so please continue to collect non-perishable food items. Please bring items for the food pantry to the meeting.
The Learning Source
Josh Evans, the Executive Director, will speak at the club’s February meeting . (Please advise Mary re time frame. Josh advises that he does not need equipment.) 50th Anniversary Celebration will be October 9, 2014. Please contact Mary if members have names of individuals and corporations that may be interested in purchasing tickets or donating items for a silent auction.
World Book Night
Mary was chosen to be a World Book Night giver. She will receive 20 copies of the book The Lighthouse Road by Peter Geye to distribute to light or non-readers on April 23, 2014. She has chosen to give these books to students in the GED program at The Learning Source and will participate in the celebration held at The Learning Source that evening.
SafeHouse Denver
The Club approved assembling 15 Welcome Bags a month until the end of our fiscal year, May 31, a total of 5 months. Based on current items on hand, the following items are needed: shampoo–15; conditioner–41; lotion–39; razors–70; toothbrushes–16; dental floss–13; washcloths–72. Approximately $30 remains from $382 allocated (after Terri’s reimbursement of $120 for dental packets). Total cost to purchase the needed items is $183. (24 washcloths cost $12 from Costco; package of 12 disposable razors cost $3 from Bed Bath & Beyond; dental floss costs $1.40 each; toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner & lotion cost $1 each) Mary will request approval at February meeting for up to an additional $150 to purchase needed items not donated by members by May 31. Funds are available in the “unallocated” portion of the service funds account. Please bring items to the meeting.
SafeHouse is seeking volunteers to be on the Committee for the Gala in October, specifically to solicit donations for the silent auction and corporate tables. Members interested in volunteering should contact Valerie Chilewski at 303-302-6116
Holiday Gift Project
Thanks to Barb Anders, Jean Griswold, Deb Ureel, Suzanne Fasing, and Lois Britton for making the holiday gift project a huge success for SafeHouse Adopt a Family, Flo Crit Adopt a Family, Empowerment–Mariposa House, CWEE, and Excelsior.
Service Funds Distribution
RFPs were emailed to 10 organizations on January 27, 2014: Empowerment, Flo Crit, Learning Source, Excelsior, CWEE, Freedom Service Dogs, SafeHouse, Healthy Beginnings Clinic, Smart-Girl, CVP. Due date is February 28, 2014. Service Committee will meet March 11 or 12. Mary will present to the Board at its March meeting and to the members at their March meeting. Ellen is working with Mary regarding available funds for distribution.
Area 3 Amelia Earhart Service Project
The Area 3 Amelia Earhart Service Project was done at Project C.U.R.E. on February 1, 2014. Project C.U.R.E. “delivers health and hope” to people in desperate need in 120 countries by providing a wide range of medical equipment and supplies. JoAnn, Ellen, Jeannie S, Mary, and Suzanne joined our Zonta sisters and volunteered for this important project. It was a chilly Saturday morning to work in the unheated warehouse, as we sorted hundreds of different medical supplies that were donated by area health care organizations. The Zonta Club of Douglas County, which volunteers regularly at Project C.U.R.E., organized the service project and treated the volunteers to a delicious lunch. Every one of the hundreds of medical supplies that we sorted touched the life of someone in need..
After a long winter’s nap, the Membership Committee is ready to accept names of prospective members! Please let Jan or Carol J. know who you would like to invite to the February meeting. We have a guest speaker and it would be a good opportunity to inform current and prospective members about the Colorado prison system. We accept Master Card, Visa and Discover…oops, forget that. We accept phone calls, e-mails, or snail mail – just not ESP.
We have great news – a tiny little Zontian-in-waiting! JoAnn Mattson (our newest Club member) and husband Greg Seabloom have adopted a baby girl, Danica Josephine Seabloom. Danica was born on Tuesday, February 11th. As of today, JoAnn plans to attend the meeting next week. We will use member care/50-50 club raffle dollars to purchase a gift for Baby Danica from Zonta Club of Denver II members. However, I thought JoAnn and Greg would really appreciate hearing from individual Club members to help them celebrate and welcome their new little family member.
If you would like to send a card, the address is:
JoAnn Mattson and Greg Seabloom
11230 Irving Drive – Unit B
Westminster, CO 80031
Jan H./Carol J.
Membership Co-Chairs
“Zonta Says No”
Empty Shoes Event
Good news from Marcy! It seems the “Zonta Says No” Campaign will continue in to the next biennium.
Feb 27 is our first meeting at the University Club for 2014. Our speaker will be from the Learning Source and we look forward to your attendance.