6 events found.
Zonta International Convention
Head down under for some sunny days! Zonta International President Ute Scholz and your convention team in Brisbane, Australia can't wait to see you! https://www.zontaconvention.com
Zonta Club of Denver II – Annual Planning Retreat
Save the date! Join us for Zonta Club of Denver II's Annual Planning Retreat - more details to follow.
August Meeting
Rolling Hills Country Club 15707 W 26th Ave, Golden, CO 80401 Don't forget to bring your wine and whiskey basket items if you are not volunteering to put the baskets together.
Zoom: Finance Committee Meeting
Check your email or Members section for the Zoom link
Basket Assembly
Basket assembly at Marcy's house.
Fundraiser – Wine & Whiskey Tasting!
University of Denver Joy Burns Center Ballroom, Denver, CO Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management, 2044 E Evans Ave, Denver, CO, United StatesSave the date! Join us for our annual wine & whiskey tasting fundraiser! Enjoy tasty hors d'oeuvres and participate in the silent auction for an amazing cause!