6 events found.
May Meeting
Rolling Hills Country Club 15707 W 26th Ave, Golden, CO, United StatesJune Meeting
We'll be meeting at Terri Otley's house for the June monthly meeting. Address to follow in email. Please consider carpooling with a friend as parking is limited.
Zonta International Convention
Head down under for some sunny days! Zonta International President Ute Scholz and your convention team in Brisbane, Australia can't wait to see you! https://www.zontaconvention.com
Zonta Club of Denver II – Annual Planning Retreat
Save the date! Join us for Zonta Club of Denver II's Annual Planning Retreat - more details to follow.
August Meeting
Rolling Hills Country Club 15707 W 26th Ave, Golden, CO 80401 Don't forget to bring your wine and whiskey basket items if you are not volunteering to put the baskets together.
Zoom: Finance Committee Meeting
Check your email or Members section for the Zoom link