December 2013 – President’s Letter

And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men. Galatians 6:9

President’s Letter from Lois Britton

Hello Everyone,

At Thanksgiving dinner, my brother read this bible verse to remind us if we do what’s right and good, we will reap the benefits and will have plenty to be thankful for. It seems to me during this holiday season of thankfulness and giving to others, it’s a good thing for us Zontians to remember.

The Bridging the Gap Thanksgiving dinner was the most fun I’ve had as a Zonta member! I loved the camaraderie of all the members who were able to come. If you missed it, it’s okay—we had enough women working and not much space to do it in. Thanks to Suzanne, Advocacy Chair and Kriss, who’s on every committee, for making this happen! Thanks to all members who raised the money to provide the dinner and take home food bags, to those who cooked, served, cleaned up and visited with the young people. I LOVE working together, whether it’s painting a room, sorting clothes or fixing dinner, I am thankful for the opportunity to work with all of you.

Thank you to the Finance Committee for all your work on the holiday fundraiser. All members participate but Carol L, Pat C, Ellen, Jeannie, Sharon C and Julia are the heart of the work and we appreciate the hours you put in so we can have the money to do the projects that mean so much to us. And Marcy—what would we do without the sales you make each year? You are awesome!

It’s fortunate for us that Mary retired earlier this year. As chair of the Service Committee, she has put her energy into the special service projects the District and International came up with. This in addition to cleaning up the budget and leading her committee on the many projects we’ve been doing this season. Thanks to all the committee members who keep the wheels rolling, each playing her part: Barb, Beth, Jean, Jan, Carol J, Deb, and Pat P.

Thanks to Sharon and her PR Committee—Jean, Kriss and Terri—for keeping us informed and getting the word out about the righteous work we do.

In the midst of all the holiday-ing, we participated in the Zonta Says No Empty Shoes event. Sharon Faircloth graciously led our efforts and spent many hours on the committee, collecting shoes, communicating with us and then ultimately representing us at the event. Thank you, Sharon, for your leadership and good sportsmanship! Thanks to our members and friends who donated art, sold tickets and attended.

Emma, thank you for keeping track of us and taking care of our meetings, and Kathy, we miss you and look forward to the time you are not so overworked and we will see more of you. Joann, welcome to our club! We are excited to see just how much work we can get out of you! Seriously, we hope you find activities that are meaningful and rewarding, and relationships that will last your lifetime.


At the November meeting, my pick for the One for All Award was Ellen Fitzpatrick. When I think of the spirit of Zonta—someone who is willing, helpful, dedicated, cooperative, agreeable and generous—I think of Ellen. She took on the role of Treasurer as a new member, and even though it’s just been four years since she joined, she has made a huge difference in our club. She created simpler spreadsheets, learned Quick Books, communicates with the board and our accountant and committee chairs to keep the club running and that benefits us all.
It’s a natural fit for the Treasurer to be on the Finance Committee, so not only does she have to keep track of our money, she works to make it. She worked on the golf committee and is the plant liaison for the holiday fund raiser. Somehow she linked the raffle (that involves money) with being Treasurer, so she became a games manager, filed the quarterly reports and is renewing our license with the Secretary of State. I did not ask her—she volunteered to do this. Oh, and she womaned our booth at the District 12 conference and kept track of what we sold.

In addition to all things financial, Ellen participated in our Advocacy projects—both the bowling party and Thanksgiving dinner for BTG. She came early and left late, helping organize, decorate and clean up.

Ellen likes to give service, too. She sold raffle tickets at the Excelsior gala, volunteered at the CVP gala, and sorted clothes at CWEE. She spent two shifts selling tickets at the Taste of Colorado—wait, is that service or finance? If there’s an event, Ellen is there—whether it’s service or finance or advocacy. I am thankful for Ellen and all she does for this club.

So, in this season of giving and reflecting on what has meaning in our lives, I am thankful I found Zonta II four years ago. I am thankful for all of you.