April 2015 Newsletter

GREETINGS FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE! The 1st annual wine tasting seemed to be a great success and was lots of fun to attend.  Congratulations to Deb Ureel, Jan Hoyt, Lois…

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April 2015 President’s Letter

PRESIDENT’S LETTER APRIL 2015 Dear Zonta friends, It’s the season for Spring Fever!! With longer days and warmer evenings, it’s a good opportunity to savor one of the delicious wines…

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March 2015 Newsletter

FINANCE We love our projects but can’t do them without cash! If you haven’t already, invite your friends and neighbors to the Wine Tasting on March 28 at Saddleback Designs.…

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February 2015 Newsletter

Area 3 Meeting and Amelia Earhart Luncheon Submitted by Ann Hodgson, Area 3 Director, and Deb Ureel, D12 Amelia Earhart Chair Denver II was the host club for the Area…

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February 2015 President’s Letter

Wine is bottled poetry. Robert Louis Stevenson  Dear Zonta friends, The excitement is building about our first annual wine tasting event on March 28. The committee members—Jan, Deb, Pat, Lois,…

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