September 2015 President’s Letter
September 2015
Being good is commendable,
but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful.
~Author Unknown
It’s hard to believe that September is already here! There have been a few struggles getting this new Zonta year started, but we are moving forward now!
With it being September, that can only mean one thing – District Conference must be coming soon – and it is!! District Conference is being held September 25 – 27, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. I hope many of you are planning to attend. District Conference is always eye-opening, educational, and a lot of fun seeing old friends and making new ones. If you haven’t registered yet, the deadline is this Friday, September 18th. I hope to see many of you there!
Congratulations to our Zontians of the Year: Suzanne Fasing and Ellen Fitzpatrick. Both Suzanne and Ellen will be honored on Saturday evening at District Conference (another reason to attend – even if only for the Awards Banquet!).
Make plans now to be at the September general meeting on Thursday, September 24th. Our guest speaker will be Sgt. Dan Steele of the FBI Innocence Task Force on Human Trafficking. Zontians everywhere are very aware of this topic, so this presentation should be very interesting. This is a good date to invite guests who may be interested in Zonta! The Finance Committee will also be kicking off the annual holiday sales.
The “Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women” is a Zonta International campaign to raise awareness of and increase actions to end violence against women and girls around the world. The Zonta Says NO campaign for Area 3 is being planned for the month of October. More information to come at the next general meeting.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 24th!
Carol Leffler