February 2015 President’s Letter

Wine is bottled poetry.

Robert Louis Stevenson

 Dear Zonta friends,

The excitement is building about our first annual wine tasting event on March 28. The committee members—Jan, Deb, Pat, Lois, and I—are fortunate that Deb’s daughter, Jo Barrett, is lending her talent and expertise to host a wonderful event. Jo has planned many wine tastings through her work in sales for Wine Cru, a wine distributor. Their goal is to provide the opportunity for wine lovers in Colorado:

 to see the world through the rim of a wine glass

 This event will be great fun with a great purpose: to introduce a new group of people to the vital work we do to empower women in our community and globally, and also to re-connect with our friends and supporters, reminding them of the difference they make when contributing to our causes. Please plan to attend, and invite your friends and family for this special event.

Many thanks to everyone who supported the combined Area 3 meeting and Amelia Earhart luncheon in January, which was outstanding. We were privileged to have as guests Amelia Earhart fellows from three generations, including three current fellows at CU, who are incredibly bright and deserving of the financial support from the Zonta fellowships. Our club was the first to host a combined event of the luncheon with the annual Area 3 meeting, and the attendees’ feedback was very positive. A special thanks to Deb and Lois for chairing this combined event.

I hope to see you at the February 26 general meeting at the University Club. The guest speaker is Suzanne Banning, President of Florence Crittenton Services, who has much news to share.

Warm regards,
